Lous and The Yakuza for Silversquare

Media relations

Coworking pioneer Silversquare opened its ninth location in Belgium, in the northern quarter of Brussels, in early March 2023. The company follows the same strategy each time: a unique coworking location in collaboration with a local artist. Silversquare believes in the power of inspiring environments to foster creativity, innovation and better entrepreneurship. For the Brussels North location, they collaborated with Lous and The Yakuza, an eccentric Congolese-Rwandan singer-songwriter, rapper and creative all-rounder.

Our goals for Silversquare can be summarised in three PR waves. First, in 2022 we announced the collaboration between Silversquare and superstar Lous and The Yakuza. The right media contacts were approached and interviews were recorded. An exclusive tour by this creative leading lady resulted in a double page spread in Het Laatste Nieuws and big articles in Le Soir Immo and in Le Vif weekend.

Next on the agenda was a press event to unveil Silversquare North's eyecatcher: a mushroom forest that stretches over 15 metres and measures 5 metres in height! Lous unveiled the installation and gave the numerous press an exclusive look at this pièce de résistance. The media covered the event massively both in print (Het Nieuwsblad and Sudinfo) and digitally (Nieuwsblad.be, Sudinfo.be, HLN.be, Bruzz, Brussels City News).

The official opening took place in March 2023. Lous and The Yakuza personally show the press around and did an exclusive showcase. Bruzz Radio did an exclusive interview on the spot and several media outlets picked up the story. We sent out the press release in three languages, which was then covered by La Libre, Sudinfo and HLN, among others. In short, a successful three-phase PR project for yet another successful Silversquare location.