Apaq-W - 'Faut pas chercher loin pour bien manger'

Media relations

To promote the benefits of short supply chains, Apaq-W has launched a campaign aimed at debunking common misconceptions about local food systems. The campaign, entitled 'Faut pas chercher loin pour bien manger' ('You don’t have to look far to eat well'), emphasises the value of sourcing locally produced food directly from farm to fork, both for the planet and to stimulate the local economy.

As part of the initiative, Apaq-W has published several videos and launched a website and an app called 'jecuisinelocal.be', on which 1,165 producers and local artisans are geolocated. We supported the campaign by ensuring that the media covered it:

- First, we wrote a press release highlighting the main findings of a study commissioned by Apaq-W on Belgian consumption habits and perceptions of local products, emphasising the gap between consumers' desire to buy more local products and their actual behaviour, as well as the lack of awareness of the benefits of local consumption.

- We then distributed the press release to a broad audience, including general media outlets focused on consumption and sustainability and local journalists from Wallonia.

As a result:

- We achieved coverage in prominent French-language media in Belgium, including print articles in all regional editions of Sudinfo.

- We also secured an online article in the German-language newspaper GrenzEcho to further increase the campaign's reach across the language barrier.