Hotel Bonka - 'Klopt da wel?'

Media relations

Hotel Bonka has launched a new campaign to help young people navigate a world full of fake news. The main goal of the initiative was to give teenagers the tools and strategies to critically evaluate information and distinguish facts from misinformation. At a time when fake news, clickbait and deepfakes are flooding social media and online platforms, almost half of Flemish teenagers are concerned about misleading messages. Yet 40% admit that they rarely or never check the reliability of a news story.

To raise awareness on this growing issue, the Flemish Minister for Home Affairs, Hilde Crevits launched a campaign called "Klopt da wel?" on December 2, 2024. This inititiative aimed at providing tools and strategies to critically assess information and distinguishing facts from misinformation. In collaboration with Mediawijs, WAT WAT and content creator Maximiliaan Verheyen as campaign ambassador, the Flemish government encouraged young people to take a more critical approach to the news they read, watch and share.

We participated in the media relations aspect of the campaign, ensuring media coverage of this important issue among young people and amplifying the campaign’s message to a wider audience.

- We organised a press launch and invited journalists

- We helped to prepare a press invitation and a press release

- We distributed the press release and followed up with media representatives and key journalists who were unable to attend to ensure comprehensive coverage

In the end, we were able to secure extensive coverage with over 20 clippings:

- 4 features on 2 prime time TV news programmes, on VRT & VTM, midday and in the evening

- Numerous articles published in prominent print and online media

- Multiple mentions on radio stations and radio news programmes