Brum Smith Academy

Your voice, your power: a public speaking training

What is the one skill that characterises great leaders? They're all great communicators!

And guess what? None of them was a natural-born speaker, not even Steve Jobs. They developed their skills through practice and expert guidance, and so can you.

Whether speaking to senior management, giving an important presentation or motivating your team, this workshop will provide the skills to speak with authority and impact. It combines customised coaching with practical exercises.

Your voice has power. It’s time to use it.

About the Workshop

Bram Smets will lead the workshop. He’s CEO at Brum Smith and an experienced public speaking coach who has trained countless executives. Through personalised coaching and immersive exercises, he will equip trainees with practical tips and tricks to elevate their communication and impact.

What participants will take away from this workshop:

  • Build lasting confidence when addressing an audience
  • Deliver clear and compelling messages that resonate
  • Master techniques to stay composed under pressure

Practical information

  • Only ten places available!
  • Date and time: 23 April 2025, 9 am-5 pm
  • Location: Silversquare North, Bd Roi Albert II 4, 1000 Bruxelles


  • 9:00-11:00: Theory & best practices
  • 11:00-12:00: Messaging exercises
  • 12:30-13:30: Lunch
  • 13:30-16:30: Practical exercises & wrap-up
  • 16:30-17:00: Closing drink  

Join our first training session, book your place here !