Febelfin, the Federation of the Belgian Financial Sector, launched an awareness campaign to make young people and their parents aware of the dangers of online fraud. It was up to us to generate media attention for this campaign.
Once again, we relied on our journalistic approach. Our noses probed for newsworthy (phishing) hooks to hang the story on and chose a narrative from the victim's point of view. More specifically, a testimonial from a duped mother whose son fell into the hands of a greedy criminal organisation. With that in mind, we threw personal lines out to our best contacts. Het Laatste Nieuws was the first to bite, and thanks to our good media relations, we secured a full pager from them in exchange for the scoop. With mentions in the live newscasts of VRT NWS and Kanaal Z as well as air time on all well-known Flemish radio stations (Qmusic, StuBru, Radio 1, Radio 2, MNM and JoeFM), we also did well with the audiovisual media. In French-speaking Belgium, we cashed in an excellent half-page article in Sudpresse and featured in Canal Z's live news programme.