Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen launched a brand new fundraising campaign after 60% of its income was lost due to the abolition of the dual benefit system. Our task was to get the media interested in the campaign.
We're always happy when we can use our skills for a good cause. Our strategy was to give exclusivity to the DPG Media group. And why? They have an enormous reach: print media, online media, and news broadcasts. We knew we had to do this to get results. The campaign was newsworthy, but there was so much other news during that time that we wouldn't have achieved the desired results otherwise. We managed an almost page-long article in Het Laatste Nieuws and on the HLN website, which together reach 2.6 million readers daily. We also got a report in the seven o'clock news programme of VTM Nieuws on Sunday evenings, which is watched on average by about 620 thousand people. The euphoria was great, and once again, it was shown that it's advantageous to arrange an exclusive agreement with a media house.